Sunday, January 15, 2012


This seamless shapewear line has been designed to offer today's women the support they need to reveal their assets and feel beautiful and desirable, whether it's for a night out or all day long. Although invisible under your clothes, Body Wrap® will give you immediate visible results, creating the illusion of a slimmer, firmer, younger, sexier, well-toned figure.

After having kids, problem areas like the hips, abdomen and thighs are inevitable. I personally found it hard to wear certain styles and fabrics simply because my problem areas were extremely obvious. Even after losing weight, I found that my body was different. Body Wrap Shapewear allowed me to wear form fitting dresses without worrying about that “pouch” that I can’t seem to get rid of. I loved the seamless design because it left no visible lines. The lines you usually see with softer and thinner fabrics. The best part is the slenderizing, smoothing affect that controls the otherwise stubborn bulges.

I swear by BODY WRAP SHAPEWEAR because without it I might not be able to pull off certain looks. I marvel at the new innovative designs allowing women of today to feel good inside.

BODY WRAP SHAPEWEAR is available at Hot Pink Lingerie 2F Power Plant Mall, Rockwell.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


To say that I like entertaining is an understatement. I absolutely love putting things together for celebrations. I enjoy planning, shopping and cooking for my “events”. It’s the small details that make a set up extra special. My daughter Adriana turned two last week and we threw her a Hello Kitty themed party. It was small. We invited family and a handful of friends. I didn’t hire entertainment. I personally find party hosts to be loud and sometimes overwhelming. The idea was to have a simple merienda where Adriana can blow her cake and open presents.

I’ve been ordering cakes from Marta Matute since my eldest son Javy was a toddler. I think she’s amazing. She did a fantastic job on the Hello Kitty cake. I’ve seen character cakes that didn’t look like the character. She made sure Hello Kitty looked authentic. To top it off, the pound cake tasted great.

Divisoria is a gold mine. If you have the time and you care enough to go through the trouble of the heat, smell and crowd of Divisoria, you will get good deals. I like giving out loot bags that my guests can use after the party. If my budget permits, I try and fill them with worthy items that kids won’t just throw away.

My secret weapon setting up the venue is my very reasonable florist Aga. He arranges centerpieces according to theme and budget. I can’t really justify going crazy spending on flowers. It’s okay to use local flowers as long as they’re used well.

Family makes any celebration special. I can go without all the fluff of a meticulously prepared party as long as family is there to share and build memories with us. Happy 2nd Birthday Adriana;-) 

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Story of Hot Pink

During the summer of 2003, Carlo and I were in New York. We were shopping one day and he insisted on getting a pair of Victoria’s Secret underwear for me. I remember clearly all the details of that set. I don’t think I’ll ever forget. That pair started what would be an inspiring journey of a young couple trying to figure out how to secure their future and provide for their family.

When we arrived back in Manila, I decided to look at the existing intimate apparel brands. I was disappointed. I realized that in comparison to other countries, we were far behind in terms of style, design, and technology. The idea of starting an intimate apparel retail store was born.

At the time, I was a junior taking up BSBM Entrepreneurship. I had the business school background and I was ultimately passionate about design. The next six months would be the busiest months of our lives. We were definitely excited to the point of losing sleep over planning and brainstorming. We sought advice from our elders with regards to marketing our new brand. We decided on a name that embodies the totality of what our products would be like- confident, fun, sexy, and playful. We called it Hot Pink Lingerie.

On April 7, 2004 we opened our first store in Rockwell. We definitely learned the ropes of business the hard way. No amount of schooling prepares you completely for the challenges and successes of running your own business. In the beginning it felt like we had more hardship than triumph. The best and hardest part of the business is design and production. It was and still is rewarding yet stressful. At the end of the day, I was proud that people bought and used our products.

We expanded a year later by tapping into the Department Store scene. We started with Rustan’s but later ventured into Robinson’s and Crossings as well. The next step of expansion was franchising. We now have two franchised stores in Cebu. We were blessed with the perfect franchisees. It was indeed difficult to share a brand so dear to us but we had to supply a demand in the south.

In 2009, I took a good look at the lingerie industry in the Philippines and realized that it was not what it used to be. Lingerie was readily available. The entrepreneur in us felt the need to implement change. We decided to bring in brands that were not available locally with products either non-existent or scarce in the market. That’s when we brought in Body Wrap, Sassybax, and Le Mystere.

Where are we headed? The possibilities are endless. I am excited at the possibility of carrying other promising brands. I am looking forward to creating more styles locally. I am hopeful that our passion for this venture is enough to make sure that our brand stays strong. I wrote this to inspire anyone and everyone who has a great idea. I would suggest nothing less than pouring your whole heart into it because you too have the freedom to create your own story. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Without You

Most women dread their Mother in law. It seems there’s a control issue between mother in law and wife. Then there are more fortunate women who are blessed with an immaculate relationship with their in laws. I started my life early. While all the girls my age were attending prom, I was busy planning my wedding. I want to safely say that my initial relationship with Mom was shaky. Looking back, I realize now that my immaturity played a gigantic role into how things played out.

As time passed, I grew up, matured a little, and things slowly changed. I learned that when you open your heart and allow people in, your life becomes so much better. Someone once told me that I needed to make my mother in law my ally. I was told that if I had my mother in law on my side, we could make miracles happen. I think we did just that.

I allowed myself to see the beauty of Mom. I allowed myself to see the kindness and generosity that she exudes. I saw a strong woman who surpassed a very colorful life. I saw a woman who found a balance between helping others and taking care of herself. I saw a woman who drops everything when you call for help and doesn’t expect anything in return. I saw a woman who makes the energy of a filled room happy because she knows how to laugh at herself. I saw a woman who was always willing to learn new things to improve life. Lastly, I saw a mother who loves her kids more than herself.

Let’s make one thing clear. She never claimed to be perfect. Nor did she ever claim to be a saint. She is flawed like all of us but is not afraid to accept her mistakes and apologize when needed. She is not a doormat, a wallflower nor a push over. She is without a doubt a strong woman.

I’ll never forget my first business venture. She and I were talking in her walk-in closet and she asked me “What would you like to do?” I told her that I wanted to start my own business. I was eighteen years old. I explained my concept briefly and without second guessing me she wrote me a check for P30,000. A few months later, I was ready with my products and I joined my very first bazaar. Not only did she lend me all the staff I needed to set-up and man my booth but she stayed with me for two days helping me sell my products. She practically harassed all her friends who passed by to buy from me. I couldn’t believe it then and I can’t believe it now how supportive she was of my endeavor. I’m sure she knew I wasn’t going to be a millionaire from that one bazaar but she embraced my passion because it meant a lot to me.

I can think of a hundred other heart-warming stories between my mother in law and I but I choose to keep it private between us. This blog was especially hard for me to write because I want it to be interpreted for what it is… an expression of gratitude for the woman who has made my life special. Miscommunication and differences in opinion will still happen in the future but I’m confident that our bond will keep us intact. Mom, I am honored to be your daughter in law. I can’t imagine life WITHOUT YOU.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

For Life

There are friendships that stand the test of time. I have four special friends that I’ve held close to me since high school. I value them dearly because they’ve been happy for me through all my simple joys and cried with me through my struggles. I find that women spend wasted time on petty competition and jealousy. Some women spend days on end gossiping and putting other people down. I have been blessed with four of the most supportive friends. It is a gift to have friends who will hold your hand and pick you up when you’ve fallen flat on your face. I consider them my pillars of strength because they hold it together so that I can mourn my pain. It’s a challenge to find people who will be there for you. It’s even harder to find friends who will genuinely celebrate your success and be proud of your accomplishments.
Isn’t it funny how life sometimes brings you geographically far away to those you care for most? I find that the separation and our different life circumstances don’t weigh in on how close we were then and how close we still are now. That is the true test of friendship. You can be far way, living a completely different life from your friends and yet when you speak to each other, it feels like you just spent a couple minutes apart.

I started my life way earlier than them. I got married and had kids earlier than them. They actually call me “Teen Mom”. Now that most of them are married and starting to have kids, I’m so EXCITED. I feel honored to be able to impart a little bit of wisdom about marriage and parenting to them. I feel relieved that FINALLY we now have more in common.

Whenever I think about my soul mates, I feel GRATEFUL. I’m looking forward to many many years of fun. I feel secure that the next time I need them they’ll just be there. Lastly I have faith that no amount of evil can tear these friendships down. It’s easy to make friends. It’s hard to make friends FOR LIFE.

Monday, July 25, 2011


There is nothing like the birth of your first-born child. Nothing prepares you for the overwhelming love you feel when you hold the one true thing you can call yours. Every little anecdote, every step, every heartache is a new adventure you take together. I was blessed with the perfect baby. He was the kind of baby who hardly cried, slept through the night and had the happiest disposition. The learning experience of being a first time mom was magical. He was my world.

As he grew older I felt that raising him was a big experiment. No amount of reading prepares you for the enormous task of raising a child. I struggled and still do today in making decisions that affect him now and the future. I find that I have to create a balance between keeping him on the right track and allowing him to enjoy life. I end up trusting my gut because my love for him always points me to the right direction.

I’ve been blessed with such a good kid. Javy is the kind of person who puts others over himself, appreciates everything given to him and tries his best not to abuse his blessings. He is the MOST obedient child.  He helps me take care of his siblings and is the first to notice when I’m feeling down. I can’t seem to put in words the magnitude of his kindness so I won’t even try. The bottom line is I am proud to be his mom. When I look at him I wonder….What did I do to deserve such a perfect child?

In the midst of raising our children, we have to consider the inevitable future. There will be a time when we have to let go of our kids and allow them to spread their wings and be their own person. When that time comes we have to be prepared because our children were not given to us so we can hold on to them. They were given to us because we need to guide them to become god fearing and law abiding people. At the end of the day, I only have one wish. I want him to be happy. As much as I want to keep him at home forever I have to accept that one day he will leave so he can start his own life. When he does I’ll be happy because as he walks away he will take with him ALL MY GOOD INTENTIONS. 

Monday, July 11, 2011


An ordinary day for me entails work, family, and yoga. A normal day starts early and ends late. I find myself caught up in making sure everybody’s needs are met. I have no complaints. I love my life. However, I realize that there is something to be said about floating through life by doing the same routine. In the chaos of everyday life, it is possible to lose your passion and take things for granted. It is possible that the reason why people feel negative about life is because they’ve forgotten to take note of the positive.

As I pondered on this, I remembered one day in particular. It was one of those over scheduled Saturdays. I was trying to get the kids fed and bathed in time for our whole day of events. Stress is an understatement when getting three kids ready without help. I choose not to have the maids help because I believe in caring for my kids myself. It’s stressful not because I’m doing it alone but because during the whole thing, the kids are either arguing with each other or complaining to me about something. I was hurriedly patting my son Paco dry while barking commands to my eldest son Javy, “Get dressed! Make it fast!” when Paco looked up and said “ I love you Mommy”. There was something about the way he said it so sweet and so pure that made me stop and say “I love you too Paco”. There was a twinkle in his eye and then he gave me the biggest most genuine smile. My heart melted.

I don’t know if he noticed that I barely had time to feed myself or use the bathroom. I don’t know if he noticed I was thinking of ten other things I needed to do while I was giving him a bath. I know for sure he noticed something because he felt the need to tell me with four simple words, “I love you Mommy”, that everything would be okay.

From the eyes of a five-year old boy, things are simple. He didn’t know what was going on in my head. All he saw and heard was hostility and impatience. It is a gift to know that even when I’m not on my best behavior he loves me unconditionally. That even though there are days when I’m lost in the shuffle of everything I have to do, there is a little boy who thinks I’m the greatest person in the world. It’s little things like this that make everyday chores become less obligatory and more enjoyable. I need to make an effort to stop and take the moment in because I am blessed with a son who made an ordinary day….NOT SO ORDINARY.